Showing posts with label all about niche selection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all about niche selection. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2021

All about Starting and Managing a Blog

In and Outs of Blog Writing 

Blog writing is one of the most enriching recreational activities.  Most blogger starts their affiliate marketing strategy for earning as well. Affiliate marketing is one of the highest sources of earnings for bloggers. Bloggers make money through sponsored advertisements, services, and product reviews as well. In short, you can know everything about starting and managing a blog in this single article.  

Starting and Managing a Blog: 

  1. Decide blog niche
  2. Select the right blog niche for you 
  3. Popular blog niches 
  4. Money-making blog niches 
  5. Guide to start popular blog niches 
  6. How bloggers make money 

Starting a Blog 

Decide Your Blog Topic 

Selecting a blog niche is a multi-factor subject. Passion, knowledge, and profitability are the primary concerns in blog niche shortlisting. 

Key factors when shortlisting blog niche
Deciding Blog Niche

Think about what fuels your creativity:  

Blog writing is a recurrent activity. You need to produce blogs periodically. So it must be something that is your interest. Think deeply, contextually, and analytically about what you like more in your life. You can start blogging about that particular interest. Even If you are not proficient in any specific thing but it entices you, this is the right thing to write about. Blogging is a recreational activity so it must allure you. 

Are you planning to start a new blog? Are you confused about what topic you should start blogging about? More traffic and More money-making blogs could be the answer to all of your questions. 

Five fingers are not equal. Similarly, blogs of different categories do not produce equal rewards. Some niches of blogs are more money-making than others. 

Let's explore some blog categories that generate more traffic, make more money, and demands no expertise.  

Celebrating Blog Niches Making More Money
Blog Making More Money 

In blog niche selection, some important factors in the 2nd strand are as follows. For all these aspects, take current trends and use search forums for better results. 

Factors for Blog Niche Selection
2nd Strand for a Successful Blog Niche Shortlisting

Select the Right Blog Topic for You

Blended approach by considering all factors might be the best form to choose a suitable niche for you. It is more than art rather than a simple mathematical equation. The rest of the work-related t blog would be driving its strength from your blog niche. So be considerate about this aspect. 

Popular Blog Niches 

Health blog 

Health is the most explored topic on the internet. It is a concern for everybody on the planet. So why not write about the things that people want to read. With research, a very good blog can be created. Unlike stitching and food-making blogs, less expertise and experience are required in this blog. Speaking technically, with less experience, anyone can start health blogs. 

 You are speaking to a bigger chunk of people. Health Blogs also bring more traffic. It makes the health blog one of the most popular categories. 

Niches for Health Blogs
Various Health Niches

Health itself is a macro niche. You can target micro-niches in health like mental health, nutrition, fitness, cardio exercises, women's health, health education, and many related blogs. 

Summarily, a health blog is a really gratifying niche to start with. So, if you want to start a blog, consider this niche on your priority list. 

To follow social media influencers in Pakistan, top influencers in Pakistan is a list of top-notch fitness freaks. One of the popular blogs related to health is WebMD


A lifestyle blog is another most popular niche of blogs. The strength of this blog is its versatility as it can touch multiple topics related to life. Easy to handle is the hallmark of a lifestyle blog. Everybody can relate to a lifestyle blog and everyone can write about a lifestyle blog. It's a part of everyone's life. 

There is a myth that you cannot generate money with a multi-topic blog, it is totally baseless. 

The reason behind a single niche blog is that it can target a specific audience. By this, it can solve their problems. The audience can better relate if they know they are going to find a single topic on a particular blog. The audience visit for a particular reason and they can find what they are looking for.

Different Niches for Lifestyle Blogs
Various Lifestyle Niches

Lifestyle blogs bring real taste to blogs. It presents the essence of informal conversation and the individuality of the blog. 

All about lifestyle blogs can be read at the 6 best lifestyle blogs. 

Frugal living 

Frugal living is very popular on Pinterest. It shows how you can cut expenditure without compromising on your wishlist through the efficient utilization of available resources. The best part of frugal living is its artifact character. With such blogs, infographics can be used with fewer words. 
Frugal Living Blogs
Frugal Living Blog

It can touch many topics as well. 

There are massive group boards in fact this blog niche can be a part of any other blog niche. It can work as an add-on. The skill it requires is just a little research work. How alive and thriving it is. Best frugal living blogs is a list of guiding light for frugal living blogs. 

Home Decor 

It is one of the many popular broad category niches. Home decor blogs make money in many different ways. It can touch affiliate marketing alongside home decor. If you want to earn money through different resources, home decor is one of the most peculiar niches as well. It will help you in affiliate marketing, advertisements, and sponsorship from local markets as well. 

Pinterest, Instagram, and other social networking websites also present ample opportunities to advertise such niches. So all in all, it has greater scope in the blog market. 

10 best interior design blogs link will lead you to a list of blogs that are expert in interior design and mind-blowing in their respective domain. 

Fashion blogs 

For inspiration and style, people follow fashion blogs. It makes them aware of many new trends and fads of industry. Fashion is an ever-changing subject, such blogs will continue to pop up. 

Fashion blogs also present unique follower ship alongside blog monetization. Sponsorship is a plus point for fashion blogs. Fashion blogs could be gents, ladies, toddlers, or a mixture of all. Many blogs are concentrated on one specific audience. But many blogs target a larger audience. This could be related to industries as well. 

In Frow is one of the best fashion and style blogs. This blog also contains some posts and advertorial. So you can learn a lot from this site. Thoroughly, fashion blogs are versatile and have a high proclivity for money-making. If you want to follow popular fashion blogs, the 13 best fashion and style blogs to follow in 2021 are vintage. It will enlighten you about fashion blog writing. 

10 Pakistani fashion blogs that should be on every fashion enthusiast's Instagram feed, it will coach you to start a fashion blog. Men's fashion blogs also provide deep insight into trending fashions and popular cultures. Ape to gentlemen is a good one in this category. 


Blog writing related to the political spectrum is the most read blog and lie in the top ten popular blog niches. It draws out a massive audience. People love to read about public figures and politicians are most viewed and followed personalities in this respect. Many political blogs have been running successfully. Such blogs have been accumulating a handsome amount of money. 
Most famous political blogs include The New York Times, Daily Kos, and  News Busters are few to mention. Some others have also been producing quality stuff with the status of ranked number one in political blogs of the respective nations. If you are interested to explore more political blogs, follow the top 100 influencers, websites, and blogs.  
If you are interested to read political news regarding Pakistan, follow 10 famous blogs of Pakistan
Political blogs could be of different categories further. Some focus on grassroots-level political activism. People love to read such blogs even without some objectivity. The tune of the blog is usually very captivating. The writer's personal commenting makes the news more interesting. Some bloggers are opinionated and not reluctant to show their biases.  

Science and Technology 

Reading and writing blogs itself is an invention of modern technology. People have been doing such wonderful stuff all because of the spectacular growth of science and technology. The postmodern era in which we live today provides tremendous digital gadgets and modern technology development. Tech websites and blogs come in handy. Popular tech blogs include Tech Crunch, Next Web, and Wired
If you want to know about other top-notch tech blogs, click here to get access to the top 20 tech websites and blogs. 
Tech blogs mostly deal with tech culture, business, gadgets guide, the best utilization of gadgets under different conditions, and the latest news about upcoming products. It could include many other topics as well. 

Educational Blogs 

Blogs writing is for everyone. Students, teachers, and other relevant staff can share their thoughts in many ways to earn money. Blog writing in its essence is a personal opinion that can bring a difference. It must be providing actionable information for positive change. Education blogs can be confined by technical knowledge of the subject, teaching and learning experience, educational environment, future of education, different levels of educational institutes, and many more. 

Two popular educational blogs are as follows: Curriculum Corner is a blog to help teachers for developing their unique methodology for teaching. So, it helps the helper; Organized Classroom is another popular blog to make the classroom more efficient and learning-friendly. 

To dive deep, click here to get access to a list of 50 education blogs. It will open a world of education blogs for you. A list of Pakistani education blogs and websites for guest blog posts, you can review their websites for your future guidance. Tap here to know about education blogs in Pakistan. 

Managing a Blog 

How Bloggers Make Money 

Pie Chat for Describing Ways to Make Money Using a Blog
Ways to Make Money Using Blog 

  • Use affiliate marketing on your blog 

As a blogger, you are always recommending products and services to your readers. Affiliate links in your text lead to a page of a website from where readers can be turned into potential customers to buy products. By this, bloggers can earn handsome money as a Thanksgiving for sending readers to an e-commerce store. 

  • Add banner adverts to your website 

You can sell banner advertising space on your blog page to interested clients, brands, and service providers. 

  • Write advertorials and sponsored content 

Offering sponsored content opportunities is one of the most used methods for monetization of your blogs. 

  • Write guest blog posts for media outlets 

A newspaper running its own blog might get in touch and ask you to contribute some budget-friendly blogs for their magazines. 

  • Work with an agency to build your blog 

Working with an agency would be super lucrative but the precondition is a significant following. 

  • Sell digital products on your blogs

If you have skills or advice to offer, you can charge for your courses, ebooks, and guides.  

  • Sell your blog's newsletter space 
It is also an option to charge a brand, service provider, or company for mentioning their name in your monthly blogs. This will make a handsome amount of money. 

Numerous kinds of blogs can help you to make money from blogs. Such blogs could be replacements for full-time jobs as well. Isn't it surprising? 

All research has been conducted by the informatics branch. This post is a guide for beginners. This post will pilot the newcomers. Feel free to comment and ask for help. Research Branch is all here to help you out in research work. 

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